Welcome to our Tech Corner page
Thanks for stopping by, on this page you will find links to some useful sites to obtain original software from the leading equipment manufacturers please note "Riviera Amateur Radio Club" do not host any of the software.
Please take great care to ensure that you download the correct software for your radio, If you are in any duet stop and get advise from a trusted source. If you would like to add a link to the section of the web site please submit this to email address below. Thank you and enjoy.
Mat - Tuner
Set the time to correct time on windows for FT8
NET TIME Download
WSJTX Information page
WSJTX download page
Log 4OM
Reesistor Colour Codes

Want to check the optimum length for a long wire please see below.
The Revised lenghts that are advised are
29, 35.5, 41, 58, 71, 84, 107, 119, 148, 203, 407, 423
All lengths are in feet, some experimentation will be require to get the best setup
Please remember that the antenna does not have to be in a straight line it can be bent to accommodate your space
If you have any good tips please pass them on so we can share them